Sunday 13 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 13 - Christmas Quiz Answers!

Hello Everyone,

Here are the Christmas Quiz answers as promised. I hope you all enjoyed the quiz.
  1. How many Christmas cards are sent each year in the US alone? - 3 billion
  2. In the song 'Twelve Days of Christmas' how many gifts are their in total? - 364
  3.  How many years do Christmas trees usually grow for before they get sold? - 15 
  4. What Christmas song is estimated to be the best selling single of all time? - White Christmas by Irving Berlin
  5. Who invented the Christmas Cracker? - Thomas Smith
  6. In what year what the Queen's Christmas Speech first televised? - 1957
  7. In the UK, what percentage of people buy gifts for their dogs? - 70%
  8. What was the first American state to recognize Christmas as an actual holiday? - Alabama
  9. What colour did Father Christmas wear before he started wearing red? - Green
  10. Name all of Santa's reindeers - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen &  Rudolph
12 Days Until Christmas
Pretty Perfect x

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