Wednesday 4 November 2015

My Pamper Night Routine - Autumn 2015!

 Hello Everybody,

Today I wanted to tell you about what I do as my pamper routine when I'm having a Pamper Night. The reason I am doing this post is because I tend to have more pamper nights during the winter and I had one recently and really enjoyed it so I thought I would tell you all about it. So here is my pamper routine/ what I do on a pamper night.

So the first thing I will do is light some candles. These are two of my favourites at the moment. They smell so much and they're not too expensive either. I'm not a huge candle lover. i don't light them very often but I do like to light them when I am having a pamper as it just adds to the relaxing atmosphere.

During my pamper evenings I always prefer to have a bath as it's more of a treat because I usually have showers because they are much quicker and easier. In my bath I will use either of the bubble baths above (Zoella Soak Opera or I Love.. to just drift away) or I will use a lush bath bomb. The Lush product that I always love is the Comforter which is a bubble bar. A bubble bar is one that you break a bit off and crumble it under running water and it creates loads of bubbles as well a turning your bath a lovely colour & it smells gorgeous. Before I get into the bath I apply a face mask (usually the one pictured below) which is a real treat for my skin.

Once my bath is run I will settle down and relax and I will either read a book or watch Netflix. I usually take a cup of tea into the bathroom with me as well. Bliss!

After relaxing in the bath I usually jump in the shower to carry on with all things I need to do in order to care for my hair and face and body. I like to go in the shower to wash my hair in particular as it never feels fully clean after washing it in the bath. Once I get in the shower the first thing I do is remove my face mask. I then use the Zoella Body Scrub which I absolutely LOVE. It is one of the nicest things I have ever smelled.

Next I will wash my hair. I use the Aussie Miracle Shine Shampoo & Miracle Moist Conditioner. I highly recommend these. They're really good for you hair and the smell lush.

After that I wash my body with the Jack Wills Body wash which I had loads of for Christmas so I have been using it for a while. Good job it smells so nice.

The final thing I will do in the shower is use my facial wash which I have raved about non-stop on my blog. I absolutely LOVE it. This is the Body Shop Seaweed Deep Cleansing facial wash. To read my full review on this click here.

Once I am out of the shower I will use the creams in the pictures to moisturise. I use the Seaweed mattifying day cream on my face, the Daily Body Lotion on my body and the Passionfruit body butter on my feet.

That is my pamper routine everybody. I hope you enjoyed this post. All of the products will be listed in the product directory on my blog. What is your pamper routine essential? Let me know in the comments.

* If you're wondering why I have posted twice today. Its because I used the Blogger app to post on Monday but for some reason something went wrong and the post didn't show up on my blog so I have posted two today so I can get back on track with my schedule. Sorry for not posting Monday*

Pretty Perfect x

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